Welcome to St. Ignatious Malankara Jacobite Syrian Christian Cathedral


St. Ignatious English Chapel Mission Team.

Youth League
Chapel Mission Team 2024
Worship: Ms. Reshma Philipose
Outreach: Ms. Jamie Thomas
Service: Mr. Binoi Skariah
Education: Mr. Zeby Poycattle
Media: Mr. Ashish Punnose
Youth League
Chapel Mission Team 2023
Worship: Mr. Shawn Jacob
Outreach: Ms. Jesse Kuruvilla
Service: Ms. Gabrielle Kuruvilla
Education: Dr. George Aramath
Media: Mr. Ashish Punnose
Youth League
Chapel Mission Team 2022
Worship: Mr. Shawn Jacob
Outreach: Ms. Jessie Kuruvilla
Service: Mr. Robin Mathew
Education: Dr. George Aramath
Media: Mr. Ashish Punnose
Youth League
Chapel Mission Team 2021
Worship: Mr. Shawn Jacob
Outreach: Ms. Jesse Kuruvilla
Service: Ms. Gabrielle Kuruvilla
Education: Dr. George Aramath
Media: Mr. Ashish Punnose

Chapel Coordinators 2019

Abraham (Saju) Kuruvilla

Ashley Mathew

George Aramath

Jaimie Thomas

Chapel Coordinators 2017

Chapel Coordinators

George Aramath, Ashley Mathew, Abraham Kuruvilla

© 2012 St. Ignatious Church: Malankara Syriac Orthodox Church is part of the Oriential Orthodox Churches.
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